Tony WalholmTony WalholmPhoenix - by Tony Walholm - oil on canvas - 36 x 60 inches - year 2008 - Original art : Paintings & Sculptures - Abstract Expressionism Artwork & Limited Edition Prints at Paia Contemporary Art Gallery on 83 Hana Hwy. Highway Paia Maui Hawaii [near to: Wailea Kihei Hana Lahaina Makawao Kula Kanapali ]Original Artwork

Tony Walholm

About The Artist
Tony Walholm’s paintings have been widely exhibited throughout Maui and the Hawaiian islands. His career includes awards and honors from the Hawaii State Foundation for Culture and the Arts, City of Honolulu, Maui Arts and Cultural Center and the Honolulu Academy of Arts. In addition to a undisclosed list of private collectors, Tony’s work resides in such public collections as the Maui Arts and Cultural Center, Hawaii State Foundation, Stanford University Children’s Hospital.

Artist Statement
I think a work of art can be seen as ‘footprints’ left behind by one who lives a conscious and examined life.

Duane Preble, author of Artforms says that Walholm has mastered the visual language of Abstract Expressionism; yet having found his own voice, he reveals a style immediately recognizable as his own, resulting in powerfully strong works of “substance, subtlety and beauty.”
Art writer for Maui news, Marcia Godinez, writes: “… the artist has climbed inside the subject matter and reduced it to undiluted essence.”

Walholm works with many layers of oil and alkyd medium on heavy canvas, reworking the surface, causing it to become distressed and taking on the
patina of age. The mark of time that is always present in his works, becomes testament to an ageless presence filled with radiant energy.

Honolulu, Oahu

1968 B.A. Saint Michael’s College, Vermont.
64 -68 Studio Apprentice to renowned artist, Cy Sloan.
1972 M.A. Multi-Disciplinary. Focus: Folklore & Mythology. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.

Major Collections
Maui Arts and Cultural Center, commission for grand scale painting for the main theater’s grand staircase foyer, installed February 1994.
Hawaii State Foundation for Culture and the Arts
Collections across the world from Sweden to Hong Kong, New York to Vancouver, Tokyo to Australia. List of collectors remains respectfully confidential.
Painting for lobby of Stanford University Children’s Hospital, chemo-therapy unit.

Awards and Special Recognition
Chosen as “Major Up and Coming Artist” by the Mayor’s Office for Culture and
the Arts, City and County of Honolulu for the 1984 exhibit, “Signs”.
Juror’s award, “Maui Abstract” 1987.
Acquisition Award, Hawaii State Foundation for Culture and the Arts 1992.
Selected as poster artist, “Art Maui 1993”.
Invited Artist, solo exhibition, Office of the Mayor, Maui County, 1993.
Invited Artist, Lama Ho’ike inaugural exhibition, Hui No’eau June 1993 and 1994.
Invited Artist, “The Printmaker’s Art”, Hui No’eau Maui, 1994 curated by Bud Shark.
Commission for monumental painting (8′ x 12′) Maui Arts and Cultural Center, 1994.
Selected for “Artist of Hawaii Showcase” Honolulu Academy of Arts, 1981 & 1994.
Retrospective show at Viewpoints Gallery, Makawao, Hawaii 1995.
Invited artist, “Feast or Famine” sponsored: State Foundation for Culture and the Arts, 1993 and 1998.

Performing Arts and Publications
1994 Artists in Hawaii, Paul Volgelsberger, Publisher.
1997 One Source Sacred Journeys, A Celebration of Spirit & Art, Markowitz Publishing.
1994 Art News, October.
1998 The World and I, “Art and the Resurgent Spiritual” by S. Osmond Smith, April.
President of Board of Directors, Ebb and Flow Arts.
A Non Profit Organization. presenting multi media events.
2002 -2009 Ebb and Flow Events.
2010, “A Mind of His Own”, Maui No Ka ‘Oi Magazine, January-February 2010 Issue

Presently Represented, Paia Contemporary Gallery, Paia, Maui, HI.
Formerly Represented, Napua Gallery, Grand Wailea Resort, Wailea HI. 1993- 2008.

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